
Creative Collaborations: Victor Gonzalez

By August 22, 2017 No Comments

runAway Japan works with many different creatives, from musicians to graphic designers, Youtubers, and stuntmen. Creative Collaborations celebrates their amazing work.

Frame of Travel aka Victor Gonzalez

Frame of Travel - Victor Gonzalez

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Check out his pictures on Instagram!

Tell us about you!

My name is Victor Gonzalez and I am an avid nature lover, hiker, and photographer here in Japan. I’m originally from Southern California and I made the decision to move out here to Japan a little more than 5 years ago in 2012. When I first arrived, I lived next to Tokyo in the prefecture of Chiba. As Japan was a new home to me, I made a conscious effort to explore as much as possible during my time off. This motivated me greatly and gave me the courage to head out to new sites and destinations all across Japan, even with my limited Japanese.

What do you do?

You can call me a Jack-of-all-Trades. Writing, Editing, Photography, Filmmaking, etc, you name it, I can get it done. My passion though lies in my photography and in entertaining people.  I first picked up a camera in 2012, just before coming to Japan and have stuck to the hobby and profession ever since. Currently, I shoot for several travel blogs, as well as uploading my personal projects over on my Instagram account: @frameoftravel.

During the day, I work as a host, director, and SEO specialist for the YouTube channel: Yummy Japan. Along with my fellow host, 2 Min Japan, we travel throughout Tokyo and Japan to share some of the best snacks and foods that Japan has to offer.

Frame of Travel - Shinjuku Streets

Tell us about your Instagram!

My Instagram account is dedicated to the way we all view the world differently. My Japan experience may differ from everyone else’s Japan experience. There are millions of factors at play when traveling and people can view the same trip in a variety of ways. As such, I named my photography project “Frame of Travel” as a wordplay to the similar phrase: “Frame of Mind”. Currently, I work on a variety of shots, from nightlife, landscapes, hiking, traditional Japan, and more. All through my eye.

I hope in the future to be able to share other people’s images as well, as I would like it to become a hub where people can share their experiences and find others with similar interests.

Frame of Travel - Kawasaki Sannosai Festival

What are some future goals?

In the future, I would love to be able to display my images in a gallery, or to create a short film promoting the traditional culture of Japan. I don’t necessarily want to become famous or anything like that, but I would like to find a group of similar minded people that can appreciate my work and a way for us to grow together professionally.

Frame of Travel - Chiba Bon Odori festival

How did you get involved with runAway?

I was introduced to Dean a few years ago on the set of a film. I was hired on as a photographer for the project and had the opportunity to film Dean for an interview and for casual shots. From there, Dean and I continued our friendship and I reached out to him half-way through runAway Japan’s first season to see if there was anything I could do to assist.

I’m definitely looking forward to season 2 and would love an opportunity to work with Dean and the team first-hand!

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